We’re here for the wild souls and the quiet ones. For those who have yet to find their voice, and those who’ve had their voices taken from them. Through our passion for road travel and self exploration, we’re on a mission to reconnect to a forgotten truth that there isn’t one map for everyone to follow.
Service transmission every 30,000 miles
An RV transmission can last more than 250,000 miles when well maintained.
Check the fluid levels regularly
Change fluid if it appears rusty or dirty with tiny metal shavings. Dirty fluid can't lubricate the gear as needed, affecting the engine's performance.
Maintain the regulator
Every two years, go to an auto repair shop for a maintenance check. The mechanic will inspect the coolant levels, hoses, and belts and change the antifreeze which will help extend the life of your RV transmission.
BeginRV's 110 RV Influencers of 2022
Find out which people, clubs, and groups are shaping the road travel industry in 2022. Are you on the list?

My interview with the RV Industry Association (RVIA) will give you THREE steps you can take today!
Real Travelers Real Stories Real Inspiration
Activists, RVers, Entrepreneurs, Artists and others share their ideas on road travel and what it means to live a life on your own terms.
Learn How RVer Aviv Grill got on "Shark Tank"
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